Sunday, 15 January 2017

Tally ho neighborinos!

I know I keep promising every year to update the blog, and I will, but at the moment my writing just hasn't been concerned with RPG's. That isn't to say I won't touch this blog again, it's just that at the moment my personal and professional life don't give me a huge amount of time to game, or write about it.

For those of you who have enjoyed my works of fiction in the past, I invite you to peruse my new blog, The Grimoire Grotesque, which is a catalogue of my written prose works, mostly of the short, horror fiction variety.

Don't worry, RPG fans, I haven't abandoned this blog, but I am re purposing it for more casual stuff, nerdy rants and reviews and the like. Expect to see articles about RPG's here and setting material, but that's all when I come up with inspiration and time for it, and it is unfortunately not my first priority.

What I'm trying to say is that, while the posts will be more erratic and fluctuating, I am not giving up on this blog, but expect the output to take a while, as I am committed to only putting things on the internet that I'm personally proud of.

Best regards, and thank you for understanding. Watch this space for more roleplaying goodness (I have a few ideas for characters and articles soon.)

- Kephn