Wednesday 31 July 2013

Prepare your brains for damage.

Greetings and salutations.

I'm Kephn, and I've spent most of my internet life watching people far more talented than me put their thoughts and opinions out into the world. This blog represents the bold and hubristic decision to crawl from my desolate hovel of anonimity and join the legions of angry nerds, out there, in the hope that I might contribute something worthwhile. Or I might just make a lot of noise. Either way, it definitely gives me something to do in the day beyond obsessively talking to the rats in my walls or gluing pieces of Barbie dolls together in an attempt to create a plastic superhuman (This time it'll work....)

So, I'm a very longtime nerd, and unlike most, I've never really tried to hide my filthy habit from my friends and family, which have made them very concerned to be seen in public with me. I am an avid fan of Magic: The Gathering, as well as roleplaying and video games, and realistically, rambling, barely-coherent rants on those subjects are most likely going to be the mainstay of this blog.

Those of you who have made the life decision to follow me, can expect long diatribes on my experiences wasting my early twenties on this, from roleplaying games, to trading card games, to movie and book reviews, or whatever else comes to mind that I feel an uncontrollable urge to throw at the net. So for my fellow nerds, who I know are out there, and those who don't mind the occasional bits of sanity damage leaking through, hello! and thank you for reading thus far. If you aren't one of those people, well, clearly, you've read to the bottom of the page despite clicking on the wrong link to get here, so you must be very confused about your life.

Anyway, 'till next time.

- Kephn