Friday 2 August 2013

It rubs the lotion on its skin.... I have stared into the abyss.

Now, to preface this, this has nothing to do with gaming, nerdy stuff or any of what will become my usual output. This is just a raw, visceral reaction to a piece of internet art.

Quick warning, it is really, really inadvisable to watch this if you're under the age of 18, are highly offended by many references to blowjobs and sodomy, or just want to preserve your sanity. So, without further ado, I present Tonetta, in all his terrifying glory:

Did you watch that? All the way to the end? Now, hands up, and be honest, who thought that was going to end up as a snuff film?

So yeah, that's Tonetta. He's apparently some kind of lo-fi music artist that gets his kicks out of wearing the clothes of a crossdressing serial killer and singing wildly inappropriate songs. I watched that video, literally hypnotized, and I'm no stranger to the internet. I'm not squeamish at all. But the sheer, utterly dreamlike, surreal, and mind-wrenching absurdity of that video dumbfounded me. If this has been done intentionally, then my hat goes off to this man, for making what I can only describe as a work of art that will haunt my nightmares and provide my psychologists a steady paycheck for years to come.

So yeah, support this man, for he is the raw, visceral heart of outsider artistry. Just don't watch him before you go to sleep.

(I would also kill to hear him perform a cover of 'Goodbye Horses'. One day.)

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